A Complete
Proven Process
To guarantee you the highest standard in medical system management, we have developed a complete process that proves its point. From initial site inspection to dismantling, transport, and storage.
Project Management
We deliver certified project management from start to finish, including planning your site inspections and evaluations, and documenting this into reports and schedules to ensure efficiency in every step of the process.
System Testing
We provide Quality Assurances, Phantom Scans, System tests and solid documentation enabling you to present the best possible insight into your medical imaging equipment.
Dismantling Execution
We dismantle all types of medical imaging equipment across the world. We meet the highest standards and requirements defined by all stakeholders.
We provide safe transport of the systems, optimized handling and planning ensuring the most efficient transport of the dismantled systems. We provide specialized transport to transport MRI-scanners with cooling while on the road, enabling minimum helium loss.
Our specialized warehouse hosts more than 25 magnets on cooling as well as medical imaging equipment in any stage of packing.
We complete the packing to our customers’ requirements with the highest quality of materials. We load the system onto transport to end destination – be it airplane, ship or truck.